

Hi everyone! It's been while since i'm not update my blog, do you guys really know what is Tioman Island? Why most of people recommended this island as you holiday destination? ... 

Tioman Island is a duty-free island off Peninsular Malaysia East Coast, the island known as geological wonder, ecological paradise and one of the Southeast Asia's the most beautiful travel destinations. This island located 32 nautical miles from mainland. But this makes the visitor easy to go because its connected through Mersing, Johor and Tanjung Gemok, Pahang by using their transportation which is ferry. 

This island never stop to enchant the visitor with their beauties, warm beaches, lovely seas and lush greenery. It's a great place to explore the beauty of nature in Pulau Tioman. Besides, this island is really suitable to do activities such as scuba diving and snorkeling because this island is abundant with marine life and coral reefs. It also equipped with equipment such as mask, snorkel and safety jacket (Buoyancy Aid) to ensure the visitors are safe. 


We already chosen Tioman Island as our destination last a few days for implement our task in subject DTM3053 Tourism Expedition, there are few interpretative media that we used during our trip which are personal interpretation, printed and graphic interpretation and electronic interpretation. A little explanation the meaning of both interpretative media to make you guys easy to understand it. 

1. Personal Interpretation 

Personal interpretation is when visitor interact with someone face to face such as during a guided walk or talk, or through a live performance or presentation from artists, actors, activity and workshop leaders

Obviously, we used personal interpretation as a interpretative media. It was really clearly using this method which the leader can explaining directly to the visitors about the functioning of equipment and activities that is going to do which lead by Miss Shu

2. Printed and graphic interpretation 

Printed and graphic interpretation includes leaflets, publications, trail guides, indoor and outdoor panels and exhibitions

This brochure was given by The Rumah Hijau Genting before we started doing activity (CSR), a little bit information about marine life and other species animals. Which can enhance visitors knowledge. 

3. Electronic interpretation 

Electronic interpretation covers a wide range of computer and audio based material including websites, audio guides, podcasts, interactive screens and CD-ROMs. 

Alright, this method is quite effective which lead by Mr. Calvin, he was explaining about the coral reefs. This can be personal interpretation and also can be electronic interpretation because he was used computer and audio at that time to make us easily understanding about the coral reefs. 

Will also used Handycam and phone as our equipment to record a video and take a pictures during our trip as our evidence.  


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